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Overcome Anxiety Disorder for a Better Life at an Anxiety Rehab

While everyone has stressors in their life that lead to feelings of anxiousness, when these feelings start to become uncontrollable, overwhelming, and prevent you from living your day to day life, it’s a sign that you need to seek help.

Anxiety disorders can affect anyone, from children to adolescents to young and older adults. Anxiety can make it difficult to complete day to day tasks or even leave the house. The anxiety attacks, constant feelings of dread and panic, and even psychosomatic symptoms can make life unbearable.

But that doesn’t have to be your reality.

At The Heights Treatment, the clinicians at our anxiety rehab take a multidisciplinary approach to treating your anxiety so that you can live a life of clarity, mindfulness, and calm, and are better able to handle regular everyday stressors so they do not snowball into something more.

You don’t have to live with feelings of dread. You CAN overcome anxiety disorders.

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What Is Anxiety Disorder?

An anxiety disorder is a mental condition in which an individual has excessive feelings of dread, fear, or worry that make it difficult to function in daily life.

Types of anxiety disorders include panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder,phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What Causes Anxiety Disorders?

There is no one cause of anxiety disorder, but general risk factors include traumatic events, exposure to stressful situations in childhood, chemical imbalances in the brain,and a family history of mental disorders.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders include excessive worry, feelings of panic, intrusive or obsessive thoughts, flashbacks, panic attacks, irritability, sweating, fatigue, trouble concentrating, rapid heart rate, dizziness, and feelings of impending doom.

What is the Best Treatment Approach for Anxiety?

Anxiety is a common condition and treatment is available. Common anxiety treatments include antidepressant therapy or the use of mood stabilizers and sedatives, support groups, and psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT).

Those with more severe symptoms of anxiety should seek recovery at an anxiety treatment center.

At The Heights Treatment, our anxiety rehab treats the root cause of your anxiety to help you heal so that you can regain control of thoughts and emotions and have a better quality of life.

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Available Programs for Anxiety Treatment in Los Angeles & Houston

Seeking treatment programs to help you overcome your anxiety is the first step in taking your power back. Our outpatient treatment options allow you to maintain your autonomy and commit to your recovery simultaneously. Our therapies occur during the day so that you can return home in the evening to fulfill your family obligations and work or school responsibilities.

Effective Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

At The Heights Treatment, our behavioral health treatment plans implement modalities that help those suffering with anxiety disorders develop the coping skills they need to both manage acute anxiety symptoms and overcome anxiety disorders long-term.

Our outpatient treatment programs use only evidence-based therapies backed by scientific data and studies and are effective in treating the whole person.

At our anxiety treatment center, we specialize in both behavioral health and addiction treatment so that any co-occurring disorders are addressed. Our combination of individual and group therapy creates a holistic approach to treating mental health disorders and dual diagn

Our therapies include:

FAQs About Anxiety Disorder Treatment

We’ve answered some of your most common questions anxiety disorder treatment:

Can Anxiety be Cured by Treatment?

Anxiety is a condition that can cause changes in your brain, but with holistic, multidisciplinary, consistent treatment, you can overcome anxiety disorders and reduce the amount of fear, stress, and worry in your daily life.

You will always have some kind of stress in your life–that’s just the human condition. However, anxiety treatment helps you learn coping skills and mindfulness techniques that keep negative b experiences or thoughts from spiraling out of control.

With the right treatment team and a commitment to healing, you can live a life that isn’t controlled by anxiety.

What are the Side Effects of Anxiety Treatment?

Anxiety treatments often include therapies that address previous traumas and negative experiences and help you process them. Doing this kind of internal work can be mentally and emotionally taxing and lead to feelings of shock, depression, and even anger.

The side effects however, are short term. Throughout these therapies, you will come to develop coping skills and life skills that help you work through any negative emotions and overcome them.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

There is not a defined timeline for anxiety disorder treatment to take effect. Everyone’s experience with anxiety is different. Your recovery timeline may be shorter or longer than others suffering from the same diagnosis, depending on the severity of your symptoms, the length of time you have been dealing with anxiety, and any other co-occurring disorders that may be present.

Can You Treat Anxiety Disorder Without Medication?

It is possible to treat anxiety disorder without medication. Many people with their anxiety diagnosis choose to forgo medication and manage their disorder through individual therapy sessions and support groups.

Although there is still a stigma behind taking anxiety prescriptions, medication management is nothing to be ashamed of. Depending on the severity of your disorder and how you function in your day to day life, medication assisted treatment might be the best option for you as it can help you stabilize your condition while you undergo treatment.

What is the Difference Between Anxiety Disorders and Worrying?

Anxiety disorders aren’t only worrying. Someone with an anxiety disorder is chronically overwhelmed with feelings of fear, dread, and panic. These emotions become all-encompassing and affect how the individual lives their day to day life.

Everyone experiences periods of stress or worry. The difference is that anxiety disorder is not a period of worry, but rather a constant state of emotional turmoil.

Is Anxiety Caused by a Chemical Imbalance?

Researchers do not understand entirely what causes anxiety disorders, however, chemicals in the brain are suspected to play a role. Long-term or extreme stress can affect the balance of the brain’s mood-influencing chemicals, such as serotonin. When these chemicals are out of balance, an anxiety disorder can develop.

What are the Risks of Untreated Anxiety?

Untreated anxiety can worsen quickly. An untreated anxiety disorder can lead to other disorders such as depression as well as substance use disorder. Often, someone with an anxiety disorder that goes untreated turns to drugs or alcohol to manage their symptoms. Subsequently, an addiction develops.

When the individual finally seeks help, these co-occurring disorders must be treated in order for the person to make a full recovery.

Can You Go to Rehab for Anxiety?

Yes. Many rehab centers specialize in treating mental health conditions and can help you recover from anxiety disorder.

For the best chance of recovery, the anxiety treatment center you choose should offer individualized treatment plans with multidisciplinary interventions that treat the whole person.

Will My Health Insurance Cover Admission into an Anxiety Treatment Center?

Most major health insurance companies cover treatment for mental illness as well as co-occurring substance use disorder. During your admissions assessment our team will confirm your coverage with your insurance carrier.

We work with most major insurers so that our reach can be expanded to more people in our communities.

What Happens During the Admissions Assessment?

During your admissions assessment, our specialists will ask you a series of questions to determine whether or not our programs are a fit for you and determine your needed level of care. We will also confirm your health insurance coverage and benefits. If substance abuse is involved, detox may be recommended prior to entering treatment.

We will then create an individualized treatment plan suited to your specific needs.

What Will Determine My Level of Care?

Your level of care as you enter into treatment is determined by the level of support that you need and whether or not you have undergone treatment previously. Your treatment team will place you in a level of care that is best suited to your specific situation. You will advance through different levels of care at a pace that is most conducive to your recovery.

The Heights Treatment: Address Mental Health Concerns Today

Living with constant feelings of fear, dread, or worry doesn’t have to be your story. If you or a loved one is seeking recovery from an anxiety disorder, an anxiety treatment center can help.

Our treatment centers in Los Angeles and Houston are here to help you not just manage your symptoms, but overcome your disorders and heal.

Call and speak with us today and learn how anxiety treatment can help you build a better life.

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