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How to get over being ghosted by your Tinder date

Have you been ignoring those red flags? This is a sign for you to stop. “Consider using this as an opportunity to learn and grow, so you become more aware of red flags in future relationships,” says Joni Ogle, LCSW, CSAT, and CEO of The Heights Treatment.

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Does Marriage Counseling Work?

Feel like your partner doesn’t help enough around the house? They don’t take your concerns or desires seriously? Always fighting about money? It might be time for marriage counseling.

If you’re thinking, “Isn’t that a little drastic? We’re not on the verge of divorce or anything!”—you might be the perfect candidate for counseling.

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5 Ways to Identify a Vulnerable Narcissist

A vulnerable narcissist is a lesser-known type of narcissist. Telltale signs, like self-victimization, can help you recognize when you’re dealing with one and learn how to navigate the relationship.

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15 virtual date ideas to try with your

If you’re in a long-distance relationship coming up with virtual date ideas to bridge the gap between you and foster fun memories is no easy feat, but with some planning, it’s possible. Think beyond FaceTime.

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How to Create Emotional Boundaries in Your Relationship

Emotional boundaries are limits you place on the energy and emotions you give and receive in a relationship. They can apply to romantic relationships as well as platonic, familial, and work-based ones.

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6 Reasons Why Women Have Higher Standards in Dating

Having standards in all your relationships is a good thing — they serve as benchmarks for what you will and won’t accept, which can then help you find a partner who aligns with your needs and values.

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How to Support Your Sober Loved Ones

Joni Ogle, LCSW, CSAT of The Heights Treatment suggests including sober friends in holiday plans and gatherings, so they don’t feel left out. If alcohol is being served, it’s important to give them a heads up and respect their decision if they choose not to attend. Supporting them by staying with them or checking in periodically can be helpful.

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10 Genius Ways To Switch Your Brain

Joni Ogle, a licensed clinical social worker, recommends creating a relaxing environment at home to unwind after work, such as a cozy living room, peaceful garden, or designated personal space. Staying in the home office or being surrounded by work-related clutter can hinder the ability to fully relax.

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20 Fun at-Home Date Night ideas

Joni Ogle, LCSW, CSAT and CEO of The Heights Treatment, suggests that planning an at-home date night can be a wallet-friendly option. It allows you to create a fun and intimate atmosphere without worrying about crowds or spending a lot of money, according to Ogle.

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Experts: Why You Need To Leave

Joni Ogle, LCSW, CSAT and CEO of The Heights Treatment, highlights red flags of a toxic work environment, including feeling constantly worried about being fired, lack of autonomy, being belittled or ridiculed, and dealing with excessive workloads or unrealistic deadlines. Despite these issues, people may not quit due to various reasons.

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Mental health experts share 4 tell-tale signs

Joni Ogle, a licensed clinical social worker and CEO of The Heights Treatment, warns against guilt trips in personal relationships. Playing the victim involves exaggerating misfortunes, one-upping experiences, or holding grudges. It puts the recipient on the defensive and requires them to prove their worth.

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